Vignettes of Death, Transfiguration, and Resolution (FULL) 2023
This recital is a subjective reconstruction of the death, transfiguration, and resolution focusing on the Messiah through vignettes, including the emotions surrounding these themes; agonizing grief, lamentation, and acceptance. The first four pieces creates the emotional and sensuous tone of the Garden of Gethsemane where Christ laments and pleads to God in his last hour. Continuing in the English set, what follows is the crucifixion and mourning. Death is not without grief and lamentation, which is intertwined with the irreparable loss of the Messiah. The resolution of this English set is not one of warmth, it is having to accept the hard truth that someone we purely loved is gone. How can we proceed forward with our grief? In the German set, we are continuing to lament, grieve, and process. This leads into transfiguration of a Holy one as they ascend from death into the next experience, through agony and ecstasy. The set ends with a warmer tonal resolution where we remember who has died and we honor them. The Italian Set is also about death and resurrection of inner self: the character Amina feels as though she is dying when her lover Elvino rejects her and ends the engagement over a miscommunication. In the second aria, she feels resurrected as her lover takes her back and she feels immense joy encompassing her. This is to represent death and revival of life within oneself. This themeis also about transcendental death, transfiguration, and resolution of my journey with gender. The death of my perceived gender is vital to the transition of being and transcendance, but the outcome results in pure elation encompassing and enrapturing me as I am no longer bound by the binary and I set my Self free.